Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tips For Introducing A Toddler or Older Sibling To The New Baby

My 2-and-a-half year old daughter fell instantly in love with my newborn son. After months of declaring, "Me no share cars with boy!" the moment she set eyes on him, she accepted him in to our family. Introducing the new baby to our toddler was easy. I will never forget the moment.

I was watching the mandatory "shaken baby" video in the hospital when they told me my husband and daughter had arrived. I literally ran from the room (much to the surprise of the two c-section moms who witnessed it!) to spot my daughter with her face pressed up against my son's clear plastic bassinet. She paused from gazing at her brother to look at me.

"Your baby?" she asked.

Before I could reply, she asked, "My baby?"

Then, her voice got even higher pitched as she declared, "OUR baby!"

No problems here. It wasn't until her brother began to crawl and steal her toys that sibling rivalry began.

Nonetheless, like many moms, I was concerned about introducing a newborn baby to a toddler. Here are some tips I picked up along the way.

1. Keep the first meeting private, with no other visitors. - Jill DeLuca, a teacher from Long Island, NY, had two preschool age sons when she gave birth to a third son. "I made sure other family wasn't around when my two oldest were there so they could bond with the baby without a ton of visitors."

Melissa Mazzarella of Holbrook, NY, agrees, "We took our two older boys in first to see the baby before anyone else had a chance. They loved having a private meal in the hospital room with the new baby, as it was an adventure."

2. Use analogies your toddler understands. - If you have pets at home, explain that the new baby is helpless and needs to be treated very gently, like your dog or cat.

3. At the hospital, let your toddler touch and hug the baby as much as he or she wants. - Hospital staff might cringe, but your kids will be sharing toys, food and germs very soon, anyway. If your toddler has an interest in their new sibling, let them show affection openly.

4. Make your toddler feel important. - Empower your toddler by giving him or her big brother or big sister jobs like helping to open presents for the baby or handing you diapers and wipes. The novelty may wear off and your toddler may not want to help all the time -- that's okay, too.

5. Let your older child play Mommy or Daddy, too. - When she was expecting her third son, Mazzarella gave her two older boys dolls to pretend to pamper and feed. Preparation is key. Mazzarella read books on welcoming a new baby and prepared her sons for the day by explaining that the new baby would be here "soon." Experts say that since preschoolers don't have a good concept of time, you can wait until the second or third trimester to tell them about the baby.

6. Bring an activity to keep your toddler busy in the hospital. - Toddlers and preschoolers have short attention spans and while everyone else might enjoy fawning over the baby for hours, young children want to move on to the next activity quickly. We didn't think to bring toys to the hospital, but we used the wifi connection to find "Wow, Wow Wubbzy" episodes, which kept my daughter from running up and down the maternity ward halls.

7. Bring a gift from the new baby to your first child. - Jill DeLuca was one step ahead of me, and did bring toys to keep the older siblings busy. Better yet, she had her oldest children pick out toys to bring as a gift to the baby, and then the baby gave them a gift, too. "To this day, my oldest still talks about the presents his little brothers gave him."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Green Activities for Kids

Children play an important part in safeguarding the environment for future generations. Just as local businesses impact local communities as well as the international community so too can kids impact the earth. Their actions can have an impact at home, in school, in their local community, and worldwide.

School's out for the summer, but it does not mean that educational activities have to stop. There are a lot of great green activities that you can introduce to your child.

Observing the Great Outdoors!

One great activity for kids and parents is to take a walk on the beach, in the woods, or in a park.

  •     Needed Materials
        Recyclable bag, Paint, Crayons, Glue, Scissors, Smock, Pen or paper, Construction paper, Ruler, and a Large sheet of paper
  •     Needed Skills
        Communication, observation, and motor skills
  •     Grade Level
        This activity is great for younger kids and can be completed by those as young as K-1st grade and lower ages.

  •     Before you go, have your child think of all the things you might see on your walk. Make a chart listing items you might see as the headings, using the ruler to draw lines in between items.
  •     Take your recyclable bag with you on your walk and make it a scavenger hunt, placing all found items in the bag. Try to find everything on the chart. Remember to only take items that are on the ground or dead. Use this as an opportunity to get your child talking about nature and making observations, about colors, textures, smells, etc.
  •     Once you get back home have your child lay out everything they found. Get your child to place everything into categories (for instance rocks, sticks, leaves, etc.) these should match the items on the chart. Ask for observations on the things they found. Have children place at least one of the items you found underneath each item on the chart you've started.
  •     With the rest of the items have your child create an artwork that depicts the environment you explored.
  •     Let it dry and prominently display their work.
  •     Recycle the items after you are finished with them.
  •     You can also schedule a field trip to a nature museum to reinforce what your child has learned.

Get up, get out, and get environmental!

Read a book in the backyard, Dr. Seuss' The Lorax. My child and I love this book. He loves it because he likes Dr. Seuss and I love it because it teaches about the perils of not taking care of the environment.

  •     Needed Materials
        The Lorax and a comfortable place to sit.
  •     Needed Skills
        Communication, reading, observation, problem solving, and storytelling
  •     Grade Level
        This activity is great for younger kids in 2nd or 3rd grade as well as lower ages.

  •     Go in the backyard and find a comfortable place in the shade for you and your child to sit and read.
  •     Take turns reading from The Lorax.
  •     Ask questions about the story and ask for observations. Some sample questions may be:
        - Why did the Once-ler use all the Truffula trees?
        - Why wouldn't the Once-ler listen to the Lorax?
        - What are ways that thneeds could be made without destroying the Truffula trees?
        - What are thneeds that we have such as clothes)?
        - How can we consume less thneeds (buy recycled goods, etc.)?
  •     Have your child rewrite The Lorax and come up with an alternative ending in which the Truffula trees are saved.

Get Trashy!
Create trash art.

  •     Needed Materials
        Construction paper, glue, tape, scissors, old magazines, markers or crayons, paint, glitter, and clean trash that can be made into art.
  •     Needed Skills
        Motor skills, communication, and creativity
  •     Grade Level
        This activity is great for younger kids in 2nd or 3rd grade as well as lower ages.

  •     Look around the house for items that can be recycled to make art (like empty jelly jars or shoe boxes).
  •     Have your child create a sculpture or whatever type of work of art they want.
  •     Have your child make observations about the type of materials they used and whether they can be recycled. Ask what else they use in their daily lives that can be recycled.
  •     Make observations about your child's creation and have them explain it to you.
  •     Let it dry and prominently display the artwork.
  •     When you are finished with the artwork recycle whatever you can.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Reasons Children Can Be Taken Into Care

The number of children taken into child care in the UK has risen recently. Sometimes the authorities are accused of too easily taking children into care but in the majority of these cases they are being removed from unsafe environments for their own safety. Circumstances whereby child care is considered the best option includes situations of abuse, neglect, abandonment, parents being incapable of looking after their children, parents with addictions and children being offenders.

Physical Abuse

When there are instances of physical abuse towards children it is imperative that they are immediately removed from their environment. If parents are involved in this abuse then they are removed for their safety and parents will be dealt with by the legal system. Children may also be taken into care if parents are implicit in abuse by others, are aware of the abuse but have ignored it, or are seen to be putting their child into dangerous situations. This can include where a single parent has a partner with a history of abuse, whether toward children or adults.

Mental Abuse

While physical abuse is more obviously harmful, emotional abuse can be just as serious. In fact, it is the more common reason of the two for children being removed from their primary carer. Mental abuse includes being insulted and being made to feel worthless due to the actions of parents. It can lead to depression as well as behavioural problem, having a significant impact on a young person's life, especially if it has been occurring over a long period of time.


Neglect is where children are not cared for properly, whether they are being completely ignored or simply not being cared for the way that they need to be. As well as emotionally difficult it can also be unsafe, especially for small children who need to be supervised closely. This can include anything from not being fed properly, which has obvious ill effects on their health, to not been given attention, something which is more likely to impact their behaviour. Poor behaviour in some children is a cry for help with many children diagnosed with behavioural conditions due to being neglected by their parents.


This covers parents who have literally abandoned their children in the case of leaving them in the street or at school, for example, as well as where parents have died or been sentenced to time in prison. In all of these cases parents aren't there to look after their children and they have to be taken into child care. Sometimes they are taken on by other relatives, such as their grandparents or aunties and uncles, while in other cases another suitable home has to be found.

Parents Incapable of Looking After Children

There are wide ranging reasons for parents being incapable of looking after their children. Mental or physical illness making it impossible to carry out parental responsibilities is one reason, but there are many other circumstances that will be deemed a reason for children having to be taken into care.


If parents are addicted to drugs or alcohol it severely limits their capability of being a good parent. It can make it dangerous for children to be around, for example in cases where parents turn violent. Even where this isn't the case, though, parents may be incapable of doing everything that is required in looking after children.

Children Become Offenders

In some, but not all circumstances, children can be taken into care if they have committed a criminal offense, particularly where it has become an on-going problem. Parents can be seen to blame, especially where they are not willing or able to prevent these instances from happening. A lack of discipline or lack of attention can be reasons given.

One the face of it increasing numbers of children being taken into care is a worrying trend. However, as some of the above reasons highlight, there are many circumstances where children are better off in care.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

3 Factors To Consider For Choosing A Good School

There is no secret that can be used for choosing a good school and if this is your first time when you have to choose a school for your kid, the task will be even harder for you. Choosing the right school is highly important as the school decides how the child will turn out in the future and how his or her mind will be developed. School is considered to be more important than the home environment and good surroundings, experienced teachers and well-off peers who can provide the required challenge to your kid are highly important in their over-all development and conditioning. If the seeds are planted right, then the child will definitely become a good student as well as a good human being. These are the reasons why parents have to be extra careful while choosing a school for their kid. Here are 3 main factors to be considered while choosing a school for your child.

The first thing you need to consider before you short list schools is the academic and teachers. Academics include everything from books to syllabus to the board of education and the teachers' method of teaching. Do your research well and look for a school that offers a board that is accepted all around the world and holds validity in most national and international universities. Do not go with a school that is not registered and make sure it follows all the standardized guidelines related to the board that is being taught by the school. Consider the syllabus that is being taught in the school and refer to the books of the school by consulting other parents and compare them with other schools to understand the level of education and syllabus. Once you are sure that the syllabus is up-to-the-mark, now is the time to check on the teachers, their qualification and experience. Remember, teachers are very important for your child and they should be well qualified to teach the class your child is going to study in. Look for a good experience and consult other parents to know if the teacher is able to teach well and inculcates moral values as well as better methods of learning while teaching. This is very important for your child's learning.

Second and equally very important thing that you have to consider before the admission are co-curricular activities the schools teaches to its children. In today's globalized environment, good marks are not enough and the children need to be all-rounders to excel later. For this, activities like sports and performance arts are very important as they help in opening up the child's mind to new fields and thoughts. Make sure the school has an active sports background and encourages children to take part in different games. Every child should be encouraged to choose something or the other and excel in it. Other activities include drama, dance, arts and craft, singing, playing instruments, debates and oration and other similar activities. These will help children in growing in every way possible.

Third most important thing us the infrastructure of the school. Take a round of the school and make sure it has a good infrastructure and is equipped with world-class facilities. Remember to check the sports supplies, the computer labs, the science labs, the playground and the classrooms. This will help you get an idea if the school will be able to provide whatever your child needs in the process of learning. Once you are sure all the above mentioned factors are approved, you can get your child enrolled in the school.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Antique Wooden Toys Maintenance and Restoration Tips

For many of those who collect and fancy them, antique wooden toys are actually considered treasures, and they should be treated as priced possessions in general. These creations are made in order to entertain, animate, and provide fun not just for children and kids, but also adults who have make the collection of the same as a hobby.

Antique wooden toys have been a source of fun and recreation for many centuries. Because of their long history, they've evolved into several different varieties as well. For instance, the older days saw the popularity of collectibles like German dolls, cars and other rolling toys with turning wheels, and others. In the modern versions meanwhile, there are wooden Disney characters and pop culture wooden figures primarily used for marketing and advertising. But whatever the type is, the fact remains that antique wooden toys are a great option to collect.

In the process of maintaining and restoring antique wooden toys, you have to consider these basic but very helpful tips:

- Try to look inside your wooden toy, be it a figure, doll, or anything and determine if there is an old string device. In order to do this, you need to pull back cautiously and slowly on the head while looking down into the inside body of the toy. You will likely find a hollow space inside. Majority of antique wooden toys are jointed and this means that the limbs and parts are likely movable. This is because they are commonly made with a certain rubber coil mechanism. Hence, you need to see if you toy contains a coil or rubber band as well.

- Now next thing you do is pull on joints gently and slowly, just like what you did earlier. You have to do this in order to see if the string or cord is loose. As you are doing the same, you can as well look inside and find if there is any kind of frays situated in the rubber band or cord edge of the toy. Now in order to restring, you can use a pair of pliers and utilize something like a thick rubber band or cord string. In doing so, you have to start from the bottom. However, keep in mind that this can only be done with small toys a couple of inches in height. But with most original antique wooden toys, you may have to consult and get help from a professional toy restorer or an expert since they probably have better tools than you do. Put in mind as well that if the doll is restrung too tight, there's a chance that the parts will be damaged in the process. So the best thing to do is still ask for help from an expert in toy restoration.

- Aside from restoration, it is also your job to maintain and clean your antique wooden toys for the purpose of keeping their value intact. You can look for professional and expert advice online or even in your local toy restoration shop to find out how you can effectively clean and maintain your collection.

Did you find this article helpful? You can learn more about toy collecting from Katie Parker where you learn popular toy collectable and how to make money out of them. For years of experience practicing her passion in toy collecting, Katie Parker has become an expert in taking good care of antique wooden toys and practice strategies to turn toys into a money making business.

For many of those who collect and fancy them, antique wooden toys are actually considered treasures, and they should be treated as priced possessions in general. These creations are made in order to entertain, animate, and provide fun not just for children and kids, but also adults who have make the collection of the same as a hobby.

Antique wooden toys have been a source of fun and recreation for many centuries. Because of their long history, they've evolved into several different varieties as well. For instance, the older days saw the popularity of collectibles like German dolls, cars and other rolling toys with turning wheels, and others. In the modern versions meanwhile, there are wooden Disney characters and pop culture wooden figures primarily used for marketing and advertising. But whatever the type is, the fact remains that antique wooden toys are a great option to collect.

In the process of maintaining and restoring antique wooden toys, you have to consider these basic but very helpful tips:

- Try to look inside your wooden toy, be it a figure, doll, or anything and determine if there is an old string device. In order to do this, you need to pull back cautiously and slowly on the head while looking down into the inside body of the toy. You will likely find a hollow space inside. Majority of antique wooden toys are jointed and this means that the limbs and parts are likely movable. This is because they are commonly made with a certain rubber coil mechanism. Hence, you need to see if you toy contains a coil or rubber band as well.

- Now next thing you do is pull on joints gently and slowly, just like what you did earlier. You have to do this in order to see if the string or cord is loose. As you are doing the same, you can as well look inside and find if there is any kind of frays situated in the rubber band or cord edge of the toy. Now in order to restring, you can use a pair of pliers and utilize something like a thick rubber band or cord string. In doing so, you have to start from the bottom. However, keep in mind that this can only be done with small toys a couple of inches in height. But with most original antique wooden toys, you may have to consult and get help from a professional toy restorer or an expert since they probably have better tools than you do. Put in mind as well that if the doll is restrung too tight, there's a chance that the parts will be damaged in the process. So the best thing to do is still ask for help from an expert in toy restoration.

- Aside from restoration, it is also your job to maintain and clean your antique wooden toys for the purpose of keeping their value intact. You can look for professional and expert advice online or even in your local toy restoration shop to find out how you can effectively clean and maintain your collection.

Did you find this article helpful? You can learn more about toy collecting from Katie Parker where you learn popular toy collectable and how to make money out of them. For years of experience practicing her passion in toy collecting, Katie Parker has become an expert in taking good care of antique wooden toys and practice strategies to turn toys into a money making business.