Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Reasons Children Can Be Taken Into Care

The number of children taken into child care in the UK has risen recently. Sometimes the authorities are accused of too easily taking children into care but in the majority of these cases they are being removed from unsafe environments for their own safety. Circumstances whereby child care is considered the best option includes situations of abuse, neglect, abandonment, parents being incapable of looking after their children, parents with addictions and children being offenders.

Physical Abuse

When there are instances of physical abuse towards children it is imperative that they are immediately removed from their environment. If parents are involved in this abuse then they are removed for their safety and parents will be dealt with by the legal system. Children may also be taken into care if parents are implicit in abuse by others, are aware of the abuse but have ignored it, or are seen to be putting their child into dangerous situations. This can include where a single parent has a partner with a history of abuse, whether toward children or adults.

Mental Abuse

While physical abuse is more obviously harmful, emotional abuse can be just as serious. In fact, it is the more common reason of the two for children being removed from their primary carer. Mental abuse includes being insulted and being made to feel worthless due to the actions of parents. It can lead to depression as well as behavioural problem, having a significant impact on a young person's life, especially if it has been occurring over a long period of time.


Neglect is where children are not cared for properly, whether they are being completely ignored or simply not being cared for the way that they need to be. As well as emotionally difficult it can also be unsafe, especially for small children who need to be supervised closely. This can include anything from not being fed properly, which has obvious ill effects on their health, to not been given attention, something which is more likely to impact their behaviour. Poor behaviour in some children is a cry for help with many children diagnosed with behavioural conditions due to being neglected by their parents.


This covers parents who have literally abandoned their children in the case of leaving them in the street or at school, for example, as well as where parents have died or been sentenced to time in prison. In all of these cases parents aren't there to look after their children and they have to be taken into child care. Sometimes they are taken on by other relatives, such as their grandparents or aunties and uncles, while in other cases another suitable home has to be found.

Parents Incapable of Looking After Children

There are wide ranging reasons for parents being incapable of looking after their children. Mental or physical illness making it impossible to carry out parental responsibilities is one reason, but there are many other circumstances that will be deemed a reason for children having to be taken into care.


If parents are addicted to drugs or alcohol it severely limits their capability of being a good parent. It can make it dangerous for children to be around, for example in cases where parents turn violent. Even where this isn't the case, though, parents may be incapable of doing everything that is required in looking after children.

Children Become Offenders

In some, but not all circumstances, children can be taken into care if they have committed a criminal offense, particularly where it has become an on-going problem. Parents can be seen to blame, especially where they are not willing or able to prevent these instances from happening. A lack of discipline or lack of attention can be reasons given.

One the face of it increasing numbers of children being taken into care is a worrying trend. However, as some of the above reasons highlight, there are many circumstances where children are better off in care.

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